Link building in 2023. My method of backlink mining
In previous articles I wrote a lot about using the SAPE exchange for promotion, including foreign Google. This article will cover other exchanges that I am using now, although SAPE still has some good sites for promotion abroad.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this article is mainly devoted to promotion in European and English-speaking Google. I almost do not buy links for Yandex now, as Yandex is the main search engine in the Russian-speaking segment. When buying links for Russian-language sites promoted in Yandex, one should think only about attracting traffic to these links. Otherwise, you should not purchase anything, focusing on improving the site and non-search traffic (SMM, banners, offline advertising) – it will be much more useful.
So, if you are promoting a website in Europe and the USA – this article is for you.
This method has been tested for regions such as France, Spain, USA and Vietnam and gained positive results everywhere.
So, creating a link mass for a new site, the first thing to do is get links from trusted (mega-visited and authoritative in terms of AHREFS and MAJESTIC) sites.
Buying links on trusted sites
I buy links from trusted sites:
- I buy links from the following trusted sites:
- FIVERR is a freelancing site. There are many webmasters from all over the world registered here, so you can easily find the link donors you need. Just use the search box, enter something like “backlinks”. It is a good and convenient service, which is first in my rating.
- Collaborator is a new exchange, I started using it in 2019. It has the RBC site, Forbs, as well as the Echo of Moscow site and other mega-trust resources, a lot of foreign sites, which is rare for a Russian-language exchange. The only disadvantage is the prices. Links there are expensive, but their quality is by far the highest in Runet.

3. Trastik is the third site in my rating. The exchange is new, there are few sites on it, but the sites are mostly high-quality. There are also foreign sites, and quite good.
The disadvantage is that the link can be placed in absolutely randomly, up to the fact that the English-language resource may have inserts of Russian auto-generated text. However, it is possible to type the text and meta tags on the page with the link by yourself.
4.Backlinks from webmasters who have their own sites in different segments. I look for them in this thread on the SEO-specialists forum: Links – exchange, buy, sell. There are also a number of channels in Telegram with ads from webmasters.
5.I use the Sape (Serpzilla) in two stages:
- Search for competitors’ links. This exchange has a conveniently implemented search by “Favourites”. It is worth adding competitors’ donors to the Favourites list. However, when analysing foreign sites, be prepared that uploading 10`000 links to Favourites, you will find a maximum of 10 donors, which does not necessarily mean that it is worth buying.
- Search for thematic donors. If you search hard enough, there are still trustworthy foreign sites on SAPE.
6. Outreaching is a very common method, in which you contact the webmaster of the site you like and ask them to place a link. The case is labour-intensive, takes a lot of time, a lot of letters remain unanswered, but it justifies itself, because most trusted sites are not represented in any exchange.
Buying links for crowd marketing
rowding works equally well for both foreign and Russian-speaking sites, because the goal of crowd-marketing (placing links on forums) is traffic, not building up the pozomerok of the promoted site.
For foreign sites I try to insert links on forums myself (or delegate this to the customer, which is preferable, as they are more aware of their business specifics) or, if the budget allows, order from REFERR.
Refer posts on Quora and Reddit, as well as on less known platforms, but the quality of the posts is poor. Sometimes it takes weeks to explain copywriters what services (products) are presented on the site and how the post should look like.
I recommend LINKBUILDER and PR.SAPE for crowdfunding in the Russian-speaking Internet. On these exchanges links from forums are much cheaper than REFERR, so for the Russian-speaking Internet they are the best.
What parameters do I use to check links?
Parameters of purchased links
- Checktrust
Right now I’m setting up Checktrust to check links for foreign internet like this:

That’s all I’m interested in checking with Checktrust:
- Spam site – the most important parameter that we need from Chektrust. The formula for calculating this parameter is considered one of the best by corresponding specialists. It is easy to use – we buy everything that is in the green segment, and delete what is in the red.
- Google viruses – the presence of viruses on the site according to Google
- Majestic data. TF from 10 and CF from 30
2. Ahrefs

Here, I am interested in the DR (domain rank) parameter – the higher the better. I try to buy up from 30, the number of backlinks and referring domains and organic traffic.
Based on these two resources, I understand whether it’s worth buying a link or not and I also check it with my eyes. When you want to buy a link from a site with a lot of traffic, it is also useful to check it in SimilarWeb.
Purchase rate of references
I recommend looking at how your competitors are developing. The most convenient way to do this is using Ahrefs or SerpStat.

A few words about the Miralinks and Gogetlinks exchanges, which are popular in Runet. I have a negative experience of their usage because, firstly, there are no foreign donors, and secondly, there were cases when donors quickly “deteriorated” after purchase thereby worsening the link mass. The promoted site failed, removing the link is paid, and even so in most cases webmasters do not get in touch. Therefore, I have not included these exchanges in my review.
Today I buy links for my and my clients’ projects on 2 platforms: SAPE and FIVERR. FIVERR is an English-language freelancing site where you can find everything from design to music, but we are interested in webmasters who place links to their site. Other exchanges and sites that help with linkbuilding have not been tested, the quality of donors is poor, or there are problems with their functionality.
А какую биржей вы пользуетесь чаще всего?
Sergei, SAPE
Мне интересны форумы вебмастеров. Какие вы еще можете посоветовать?
Мне было бы интересно такая статья про Яндекс. Если статьи не будет, можете проконсультировать?
Eugene, yes, write on telegram – yandowski
А какой способ покупки ссылки вы советуете? Хочу создать сайт, интересна эта информация.
Nicholay, it depends on which country
А есть еще какие-то параметры ссылок?
Александр, конечно есть, тут я разбираю основные.
Great exchanges. Very useful information, thank you.
Is there any sense in buying links with non-commercial anchors for informational sites? I.e. in the case of promotion in a clearly not commercial topic? Traffic is mainly from Yandex.
Igor, it makes no sense to buy links for Yandex now. Behavioural links rule there. So if the link will be a lot of clicks, then buy, if not – it is not worth it. Infosite is best promoted through social networks
Useful tips of services for purchasing and analysing link mass. I will use, thanks for the article.
Why didn’t you mention Gogetlinks and Miralinks, are they actually the most popular for buying links?
The sites quickly become spammy and operate at a disadvantage
I was also surprised that I didn’t find these exchanges on the list. There are both super trusted and profile sites for every taste. Prices can bite, yes. Well, the good is not cheap)))
Although perhaps Kirill is talking only about links for bourge sites) But for the Russian Federation – only Gogetlinks or Miralinks.
There are no En sites on these exchanges, so yeah, not included
What do you think about placing links in the profiles of trusted sites? is this a thing of the past)?
not past. they’re good for tier 2-3.
What about links from advego or kwork? Does anyone have any experience of buying them?
I have only ordered articles on advego, but about kovorka – there are negative reviews after buying links there under the bourges
With gratitude for good information I am writing you a positive comment. I finally found a sensible article with a concise, but completely correct essence of how to promote on the bourge.
Before that I read about 50 different articles, but nowhere was it mentioned with such clarity and clarity, without unnecessary water, about the specific work for linkbuilder.
Thank you very much for showing people the vector for movement, and definitely this information inspires confidence: I want to drop all the work and just order everything from you ))))) That’s what we would do if we had the financial ability. But as it is, we will do it ourselves.
P.S. Thanks for mentioning fiverr – great tip, funny – but the fact is, almost nowhere before I have not seen it written about it in a huge amount of other materials. Good luck with your work and enjoyable clients!
Sergey, thank you for reading and for such a detailed comment! Best of luck to you too!
Good day, I am promoting SEO site in Google country Serbia, I am interested in buying links.
Should I place links from Serbian sites (domain .rs) or for link building can I also take English sites (.com)?
Dimitri, hello. First try to choose all Serbian sites on which you can place. Then you can take any, giving preference to sites in the language in which the promoted site is written