Me and my colleagues have developed a unique algorithm allowing to bring your site in Yandex top 10 in the first month of promotion, provided that the website position at the start of the project was in the top 30. If the position of the site is lower than the top 30, the term is longer (from 2 months).
Cost of promotion in Yandex – From $500 for a month of work
Time to reach the top of Yandex for high-frequency queries: from 1 month
In a month, I will bring your high-frequency enquiry to Yandex, provided that the site is no lower than the top 20.
Since the main ranking factor in Yandex is Behavioural one, we should improve behavioural factors. Naturally, internal optimisation is also included.
Features of SEO-promotion in Yandex
Yandex is currently considered to be the most popular search engine in Russia, leading in terms of both the number of users and the number of queries. There is nothing that could lead to the loss of this position not only in the coming years, but also in the foreseeable future.
It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger or you have a commercial site, you can’t do without SEO in Yandex to promote on the RuNet
Recall that SEO is understood as a set of actions aimed at increasing the visibility of the Internet resource in the search engine results. Its main task is to attract as many targeted visitors to the site as possible.
Main SEO Factors
Behavioral. They are divided into external and internal. The first ones influence the user to go to the site. Their main goal is to increase CTR. The second contribute to the fact that the visitor as long as possible to stay on the resource and perform a targeted action. As stated by many optimizers, for Yandex visitor behavior on the site is more important than for Google.
Backlinks. Under them understand the number of backlinks to individual pages of a web resource and the site as a whole, the presumed transferred weight, etc. For Yandex backlinks are of less importance than for Google, while for him they affect the ranking of specific pages, not the site as a whole. At the same time Yandex checks all backlinks leading to the site much more thoroughly, so I recommend building your own PBN under Yandex
Commercial. These are the factors by which the search engine identifies the page as commercial. Under these are understood as everything that contributes to the purchase: the indication of prices, the presence of product descriptions, the presence of the “Buy” button, etc. Based on the recently disclosed formula for commercial ranking the main thing – the range. Design, reliability and service are also important.
Uniqueness of content
It is certainly important, but it is not the most important and absolute criterion for promotion. Usefulness and user-friendliness of the site, at least officially considered no less important. If you compare the rendition of Yandex and Google, the first in the top of the elements and content sites have a more similar appearance than the second. It should also be noted that different categories of text allowable minimum limits of uniqueness can seriously differ. For example, for articles it should not be lower than 85%, and the product card can be without harm to ranking and less than 70%. Uniqueness under Yandex is checked by and Advego services
Monitoring of the keywords of the site in Yandex should be carried out necessarily. Very important is the intent of the query. Yandex clearly separates pages with informational and commercial keywords. So-called mixed pages are almost always pessimized in ranking. Do not allow that on the info pages even accidentally appear commercial queries.
Also do not allow overspam. To find out which keywords to use and in what quantity, it is better to use special services, such as Allpositions or Topvisor
In the vast majority of cases, it is for commercial promotion that it matters. For informational articles, region is usually not particularly important. For example, if a user is looking for a hairdresser, he needs it to be located in the same locality where he lives. If a person wants to learn about fashionable hairstyles, then the connection to a specific city and region is almost unimportant.
Advantages of SEO-promotion in Yandex search engine
The main ones include:
- The largest audience reach in the Russian Federation. Over 90 million users. You will find clients in any niche;
- Similarity of ranking factors with those of competitors. Trying to promote your site through Yandex, at the same time you can get an audience from Google, Bing and other popular search engines;
- The possibility of regional binding of the site to a particular city. In Google it is carried out only to a certain country. In Yandex – to the region. This is very helpful to find customers only where the company operates;
- Availability of support service in Yandex Webmaster. It is possible to achieve that a person will answer your questions, therefore it is easier to solve the problem, to deal with misunderstandings than in Google Search Console. In the latter all automated and have to rely mainly only on forums.
It should also be said about promotion tools in Yandex, they are not a dozen. There are paid and free, to promote commercial and inforesources. Everyone will find something for their own purposes.
My cases of promotion in Yandex:
Outdoor advertising
Car service
Air conditioners
Balcony glazing
If you have any questions concerning seo promotion in Yandex, you can write me on email